real estate agent Danek Bergmann
Rent or sell your property in or near Tallinn.
I specialise in apartments and houses for sale or rent in Tallinn and the surrounding area.I’m available 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
100% satisfaction!
Let the customers speak

Do you know what's going on with 2-3 room apartment market in the Tallinn city centre? I know!
Hi, I'm Danek, your future real estate broker.
Extensive experience in digital marketing, with the help of professionals in the field.
A wide network of contacts among investors and other potential interested parties.
I have also developed a personal relationship with most of my clients, and it is often because of my extensive network of contacts that I can be useful. Keywords are trust and speed.
I have also developed a personal long-term brokerage relationship with many of my clients, where I deal with things that are not part of the average broker’s responsibilities.
The tenant finding service for you is free of charge and, in addition to that, I will also take care of all the costs during the process.
How can I help you?
Real estate rental
In my work, apartments are rented out every 3 days. What does it mean? Active time investment in the process. Other brokers and clients often cannot do this themselves. A fine-tuned process helps me filter out tenants with the right background. However, the final decision is yours.
Selling the property
Have you thought about selling your property? But the journey to get there seems stressful and time-consuming? I’m here for you, from start to finish. From the moment the pictures are made to the moment the apartment is handed over. “Stress-free and easy” could be the new definition of selling real estate. How do you feel about all of this?
Buying property
Whether you’re looking to buy a property with a high return potential or want to find your dream home, I’m here to help. It is one of the most important decisions of your life. Don’t make the wrong steps and enjoy the journey with a knowledgeable broker.
Do you see me as your real estate broker?

What does the process look like?
1. Contact me
Everything is simple. Communicating with me is easy. Call or write in the channel that’s most convenient for you. I’m available everywhere.

2. Consultation
You can take it easy as I offer you a free consultation. If, for whatever reason, it doesn’t feel right, we separate our ways on a positive note.

3. Sit back and relax
The most difficult step. Why? You have to choose how you relax – whether you go to a spa or on a trip. Enjoy continuous and simple feedback that reaches you regularly.

4. Danek does the work
I will work according to a pre-agreed action plan and give you feedback on the results on an ongoing basis.

5. Analysing the results
We will analyse the results and see which marketing activities are right for you. Accordingly, we put the emphasis on strengths.

6. Let's celebrate!
Life is about celebrating all kinds of triumphs, even the small ones. Not to mention an event like a real estate transaction.