Tagasiside maakleri teenusele

Algis L.

Danek has a real enterpreneurial mindset and workethic. He is goal oriented, driven and passionate about everything he’s doing. He’s teachable, fast learner who grabs everything on the go and quickly puts the new knowledge in action. Danek stands out from the competition thanks to his high workethic and extraordinary marketing strategies. He thinks out of box and goes extra mile for the client to bring the best maximum result possible. I highly recommend him as a real estate agent or co-operation partner when you look for a solid and trustworthy person to do business

Meril L.

Mulle väga meeldib tegelikult võimalusel ka
konstruktiivselt kriitilist tagasisidet jätta, aga antud hetkel pole mul vist muud kui positiivseid sõnu. Mulle väga meeldis su inimlik ja familiaarne approach, see tegi kuidagi asjaajamise
stressivabaks, nagu sõbraga oleks asju ajanud 🙂 kõigile ei pruugi muidugi selline lähenemine peale minna, aga mulle tundub, et sa tajud enda vastas olevat inimest päris hästi ja oskad
igaühega selle õige vaibi leida. Igatahes väga tore,
olen väga rahul. Kindlasti pöördun jälle sinu poole, kui endal või kellelgi minu ümber maaklerit tarvisläheb 🙂

Heleri S.

Super ja professionaalne teenindus! Kiire suhtlus & näha, et teeb asja hingega!

Xie X.

Danek is very proficient on his work. And he helped me a lot of finding one satisfying apartment. And he knows well how to communicate with landlord and clients. I will surely recommend him to my colleagues.

Marilin T.
Koostöö Danekiga sujus suurepäraselt. Kiire suhtlus, ausus, abivalmidus ning tema professionaalne lähenemine viis kiire tehinguni.
Kui algselt olin maaklerite osas skeptiline, siis Danek suutis minu arvamust muuta.
Grethen T.

It was extremely pleasant to work with Danek, he made selling the apartment easy and convenient for me as a client. He explained everything needed in detail, which made the whole process stress-free. I especially liked that he gave constant feedback and I never once got the feeling that the sale was not handled properly. It was clear that he is really passionate and dedicated to his clients. I will definitely recommend Danek to my friends who want to buy, sell or rent a home!

Rauno R.

Cooperation with Danek was extremely easy and pleasant. His quick and clear communication style ensured that all processes went smoothly. Danek thoroughly explained all the necessary details and was always ready to negotiate, ensuring that all parties were satisfied.
Danek is a positive and concrete person who approaches work without excessive spin. Thanks to him, we have been living for the second week in a house that seems to have fallen from the sky. We definitely recommend Danek to anyone looking for a reliable and dedicated broker!

Kristi A.

Danek on väga pühendunud, ootuseid ületav ja usaldusväärne maakler, kelle hoolas asjaajamine teeb kinnisvaraga seotud protsessid mugavaks ja sujuvaks.

Karel Käos
Anton Vedeshin

We were looking to rent out a property and were struggling to find suitable candidates for over a month. However, after contacting Danek, he swiftly arranged for a professional photographer to take photos of the property and marketed it effectively, resulting in a number of interested candidates.

We were incredibly impressed by your professionalism, attention to detail, and quick turnaround.

We would like to thank you for your exceptional work and for going above and beyond to ensure that the property was rented out as quickly as possible.

We would definitely recommend you to anyone looking for a reliable and effective real estate agent. In fact, we have already recommended you to a number of our friends and family members who are looking to rent out properties.

Once again, thank you for your excellent work and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Miguel C.
To anyone in need of a top-notch real estate agent,
I’m an expat living in Estonia, and finding a trustworthy real estate agent here has been a challenge. That was until we met Danek. From the moment we started working with him, it was clear that he was different from the rest. His young energy, proactive approach, and forward-thinking mindset make him stand out in the crowded real estate market.
Danek is one of those rare agents who truly represents both the buyer and the seller, not just the seller like most agents in Estonia. This balanced approach has been invaluable to us, making the entire process smooth and fair for everyone involved.
What impressed us the most about Danek is his genuine dedication and enthusiasm. He goes above and beyond to ensure that his clients are happy and well-informed. His proactive nature means he’s always one step ahead, anticipating our needs and addressing any concerns before they even arise.
Trust is a big deal when it comes to real estate, especially as an expat. With Danek, we found someone we could rely on completely. His integrity and honesty are unmatched, and we felt supported every step of the way. Our professional relationship quickly grew into a friendship, which speaks volumes about his character.
If you’re looking for a real estate agent who is energetic, proactive, and truly has your best interests at heart, look no further than Danek. He’s a superstar in the real estate world, and we couldn’t recommend him more highly.
Merilyn Westholm

Soovin Teidki tänada suurepärase koostöö eest. Olles kinnisvaramaakleritega vähe kokkupuutunud, ei ole mul suurt kogemust võrdlemaks Teie tööd suuremas plaanis. Suur kokkupuude on mul aga teistes teenindusvaldkondades ja selle põhjal võin öelda, et mul puudub Teile negatiivne tagasiside. Eestlased ikka üritavad naabrist paremad olla ja leida vigu siit ja sealt aga tead, ma isegi ei hakka otsima. Oled väga profesionaalne suhtleja ja tunned oma tööd väga hästi, et tekitada kliendil hea ja turvaline tunne. Ja tundes professionaali, tean, et kitsaskohtade küsimus on oluline edasiarenguks. Paraku vean sind selles osas alt. Pole midagi lisada 🙂 Arvan, et olete pigem eeskujuks paljudele. Täpselt nagu ütlus, et kes teeb see jõuab (vau, Limoncello toodang, veinibaar, kinnisvara jpm) Vabandan, et mu FB review tagasihoidlikum on. Sotsiaalmeedias olen selline pigem tagasihoidlikum. Panen selle vanaduse arvele 😄 Igaljuhul, veelkord, Aitäh! Soovitan Teid kindlasti oma sõpradele/tuttavatele. 

Kristofer Mäger

I had a fantastic experience working with Danek, an exceptional real estate agent who successfully found a tenant for my apartment. With his expertise and market knowledge, he effectively marketed the property, conducted thorough screenings, and ensured a smooth process. Danek’s excellent communication and attention to detail made the entire experience stress-free. I highly recommend his services for anyone looking for a reliable and results-oriented real estate agent. 

William Rogers

When looking for an apartment in Tallinn, I reached out to many agents and owners. Most were slow to reply, or simply didn’t reply at all. This was not the case with Danek. He responded almost immediately, on the same day that I inquired. He made the rental process very easy, and was helpful and informative whenever I had a question or concern. I believe Danek provided the highest level of service, and I would not hesitate to work with him again in the future. Excellent experience.

Diffany Botha

Danek was very proactive and helpful in our search for a place to stay. As foreigners we found that his help was great as he was able to act as a bridge between ourselves and our Estonian landlord – translating and communicating everyones needs and requirements between all of us. Danek always showed up early and spent the extra time ironing things out. Currently he still helps us with communications even though we have completed the lease signing and our business is concluded. Would definitely recommend him.

Kevin Janson

Igati korrektne ja kiire reageerimisega maakler. Danek tegi kogu protsessi otsast lõpuni ära. Tegi kenad pildid, näitas üürilistele korterit ja juba nädala pärast oli mul üüriline sees. Danek teeb eelnevalt ka kõik taustakontrollid veendumaks, et te kinnisvaraomanikuna ei peaks korteri pärast muret tundma.

Nic C Aguilera

Danek was very supportive and flexible. He showed the right options that suited my needs and also commitment and live support in case other tenants were also interested.

I would recommend him 100%!

5 start broker.

Maribet Köster

Avameelne suhtleja, kes oli meile igati abiks uue kodu otsingutel. Koostöö tegi eriti meeldivaks ja lihtsaks asjaolu, et küsimuste ning murede korral sai Daneku käest vastuse väga kiiresti.

Tõnis Vaiksaar

Hea suhtleja, abivalmis ja igati hea koostöö nii üürniku kui üürileandja suunas. Oma töös tähelepanelik ja põhjalik ning on näha, et tahab oma tööd hästi teha!

Dagmar Orula

Danek on oma töös põhjalik. Esmakordsele tehingusse minevale kliendile selgitab hästi ära miks üks või teine objekt on kliendile just parim.

Ella Timonen

I had a fantastic experience with Danek, everything was handled fast and professionally. He truly cares about his customers and it’s very easy to reach out to him with any questions you might have. I would highly recommend!

Taru Susanna Aalto

Danek is very easy to contact, he takes actions and ownership of his work. He is working in the right field and knows what the customer wants.
Huge recommendation!

Nelet Saaver

Koostöö sujus suurepäraselt! Maakler alati kättesaadav ja küsimused said kiirelt vastused. Meeldis, et ise torkis meid, kui mingite asjadega viivitasime 😊 Korter läks renti oodatust palju kiiremini. Soovitame!

Kristjan J.

Sinu vastutulelikkus oli asjakohane ning suhtumine ja abi igati armas. Oli meeldiv ja soliidne koostöö, tänud Danek.

Sergei & Valeria

Oleme väga rahul sinu tehtud tööga. Alguses saime vajalikku nõustamist üürihinna osas ja selgitust, kuidas leida kiiresti sobiv üürnik. Pildid valmisid kiiresti (need olid tõesti imelised!) ja korter sai tõhusalt reklaamitud erinevates portaalides.

Üldiselt oli protsess professionaalne ning suhtlus sujus ladusalt. Lõpuks leidsime ka sobiva üürniku. Aitäh sulle!

Janar K.

Elades Eestist väljas, jäävad mu käed tihtipeale liiga lühikeseks, et kõike
korteriga seonduvat korraldada. Seepärast olen ülitänulik, et Danek on
leidnud korterisse nii suurepärased üürnikud, kui neile vajadusel organiseerinud töömehe, kes pisiparandustöödega aitaks. Daneki pühendumus on väljapaistev. Tema peale võib kindel olla, et ta leiab alati kõikidele väljakutsetele parima lahenduse, ning ta on alati kiirelt kättesaadav nii e-maili kui telefoni teel.